Saturday, October 16, 2010

Imagination Crochet

Here is a brief sample of what I have managed to bring from my imagination to the real world.

At this point there is a hand written pattern that needs some translation. I am hopeful that I maybe able to write out the pattern in such a way that others may beable to create bags similar to this for themselves.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

the tree

Here finally are pictures of the tree i made as the final in my artist books class. The tree has so far been in two exhibitions and has been well recieved at both. Maybe this making art thing was a good idea after all.
The whole thing minus a stick is from book materials, I consider it recycled books. the roots and the grass are all individual strings colored and glued, the leaves, trunk and butterfly are all from pages of a book. I will post more pictures of other views if I can get it back :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Follow Me

Here is my most recent creation for my artist book class. The title is "Follow Me". Which is also to title of the freeform poem I wrote in order to have a framework of text to illustrate. The poem is an expression of my having left a career in retail management (and it's 60+ hour work weeks that seemed to have consumed my life) to go to graduate school and earn my MFA. The key to walking away from one path in life to follow another, was my mother and dearest friend telling me to listen to my heart, this is the right thing to do. To Mom and Lynns I love you both.

The Poem reads:

So Dark, So Cold, So Lost
The Butterfly whispers “Follow Me.”
Hope in a ghost of a voice
Clinging, Climbing

A glow in the distance
The Butterfly whispers “Follow Me.”
Belief in the touch of a sound
Holding, Running

Trees, red filtered light shifting to soft green
The Butterfly whispers “Follow Me.”
Faith in the beating of wings
Accepting, Walking

Golden Light, Flowers, Warmth
The Butterfly whispers “Welcome Back.”
Trust in words of air
Embracing, Relaxing

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

slinky take two

Here are some pictures of the snowflakes that I sort of got to work. It is better to see it in action but I have yet to workout the kinks in getting videos posted. Never the less, here is what I spent more hours than I should admit to, experimenting with somewhere around 16 different adhesives to create.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

slinky books

So I had this crazy idea to make a slinky out of paper after I saw one in the collection of a bookseller, who came to visit my artists' books class. Little did I know what I was getting into. The basic form is simple enough, a series of rings that are attached end to end to make a slinky. However, the covers and then the decorations complicated things. I had actually very little trouble with my first attempt, once I figured out the leaves I wanted to use. (Thank you to Martha Stewart for making such cool toys.) "Falling Leaves" works like a slinky when you hold it in your hands and let the "pages" turn themselves.
I was excited by the way this turned out and set out to do one with a transparent/translucent set of rings and snowflakes on them. Yeah Right! Vellum is not as durable as the drawing paper I had and the snowflakes out of paper are in a word, a nightmare. One inch paper snowflakes are extremely delicate and don't glue well with any glue I have found. But I have yet to give up on finding a way to get what I want. So far there are two versions of the snowflake slinky. Version one is vellum as a base and colored drawing paper for the snowflakes. The look is right but the snowflakes tangle and tear the minute you try to work the slinky action. I only had half the flakes on when the tangles started so I let it alone and went in search of new materials that would be more durable.
Hello overhead transparency film. Plastic does not glue to it's self with any clear glue, but there is this great stuff called double stick tape, so cool. However snowflakes out of even heavyweight paper tear easily and don't adhere well to plastic. After considerable trial and error (lots of errors) I have a semi working snowflake slinky version two. I will post pictures of the version two soon.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

book 0

New semester and new class in book arts, this one is the artist book class. Our first assignment was to create a sequence using one image. It could be changed how we chose and use the marterials we wanted, it did not say it had to be a book in the realm of a stack of pages with a cover. Me being me, I took a photograph I had taken of water, cut it up and glued in to colored wooden blocks then stuck them in a tray.

Formally it is:

Example of possible sequence

The blocks have the words: Water, H2O, Aqua, Wet, Rain, Tears, Ocean and River. Also four of the blocks have the letters: L, I, F, E. The sides of the blocks are painted in various shades of blue, white and green. It is alot of fun to play with the blocks and to watch other people play with them as well.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Finally, the Final

I finally have pictures of my final for the book binding class I took. So here is the Leaf Book.

The basics are a traditional round spine binding with a batik fabric cover, handmade paper endsheets and english somerset pages. Inside the book the endsheets are tea dyed, while the textblock is made up of pages covered with a watercolor wash and stamps of leaves in several colors. The text is a poem of sorts.

A leaf is a beautiful thing.

Just as a person is a beautiful thing.

Every leaf is unique.

Just as every person is unique.

No two people are exactly the same.

Just as no two people are exactly the same.

Leaves come in all shapes and sizes.

Just as people come in all shapes and sizes.

Every leaf has a part to play.

Just as every person has a part to play.

No leaf works alone.

Just as no person works alone.

All the leaves work together.

Just as all the people work together.

Working together all the leaves help the tree.

Just as working together all the people help the Earth.

The leaves can save the tree.

Just as the people can save the Earth.

The box/container is in the style of a japanese chitsu. The box is covered with the same batik as the book and lined with a tea dyed handmade paper. There are cutouts in the cover of the book and the box which show a single leaf in handmade paper.