I was getting all the stuff together to do a little more exploration of making paper by hand at home and there was a bit of a set back when the base of the blender flew out of my hand in an impressive arc from the counter to the floor. It made quite a diplay as the force of the impact set bit of white plastic flying in numorous directions. The cat wisely ran for cover under the bed. After a moment to marvel at the fact that the glass pitch was still in tack sitting on the counter, I realized that I just might beable to fix the blender with some duck tape. After all duck tape with it's light and dark sides is the force that holds the universe together, a little blender should be no problem. I had to settle for clear packing tape as the duck tape is currently missing in action. The great news is that dispite it unplanned trip to meet the floor the blender still works. Who knew that blenders could take such a beating and bounce back almost like rubbermaid. So after a bit of delay, the paper making is back on track.